Oh, the blog posts that are left undone! It was the first
week of the quarter, and somehow I found myself buried in problems and projects
unrelated to this blog. But I’m not going to dwell. It’s a new week!
I did put out one post, a review of Laurie Colwin's A Big Storm Knocked It Over. Actually, it's less a review and more a consideration of re-reading.
Thanks to all of you for your curiosity about The Leaning Stack of Books Diversity Bingo Game Challenge. I said that I would write my
2015 update last week, but I haven’t done it yet. It’s coming! It’s coming!

The other thing that I did last week was fall down a deep
rabbit hole. I recently read in Brain Pickings about the collaborative book,
Hurry Up and Wait, by artist Maira
Kalman and author Daniel Handler. I had seen Kalman’s art on the cover of
various New Yorker magazines, but I hadn’t really explored it. I checked out
Hurry Up and Wait from the library and just loved it. It’s a hybrid
book, containing Kalman’s paintings, photography from the Museum of Modern Art,
and Handler’s text. It’s kind of a weird meditation on rushing and waiting.
My library has a bunch of books by Kalman, so I checked out
a few, including another one in the MOMA series, Girls Standing On Lawns. This
book considers all the snapshots people take (think: first day of school),
where they are just posing on the lawn in front of their house. In the
postscript to the book, the Photography Curator at MOMA writes that the
photography in the book is “vernacular,” meaning “the messy diversity of
objects created without artistic ambition.” Kalman and Handler play around with
the idea that these posed snapshots make people permanent, freezing them forever
in a moment of significance, though the significance becomes unclear over time.
Finally, my favorite of the Kalman book bundle I received
from the library is My Favorite Things, which is both memoir and reflection on
beloved objects, using the collection at the Cooper-Hewett National Design
Museum as inspiration and guide.
Do you ever get lost on a weird reading tangent? I’d love to
hear about it!
(It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Book Date)
1 comment:
Love the photo on My Favorite Things books.
My Name is Lucy Barton looks good too.
ENJOY your reading week.
Silver's Reviews
My It's Monday, What Are You Reading
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